Every Third Sunday, Join Spruce Street United Methodist Church and Spruce Street Playgroup for our Messy Church service.

What is Messy Church? It’s a low-pressure, short Church service that includes a meal and activities for the whole family.

We take “Come as you are” seriously and we know it can sometimes be hard to get to a Church service. Sometimes we almost make it to a service but something in our messy, chaotic lives stops us. What if:

You’re pressed for time, you just got home and everyone is hangry because no one has eaten since lunchtime? Still come! We provide a meal.

Your 5 year old somehow lost his shoes between leaving the house and getting in the car and you just realized in the parking lot as you pulled in? Still come! No one will notice.

Your kids don’t sit still? Still come! Children (and adults) move freely during Messy Church.

You’re a bit intimidated by the Church routines and don’t know what you’re supposed to do? Still come! Messy Church takes place in the basement event space — a big dining room and play area. There are no pews, no sacraments or rules you’ll be expected to know about or follow.

You’re running late. Like really, really late. Still come! If the door is locked, text “I’m here” to 304 906 1504. We’ll open the door.

You don’t know what to wear? Still come, in whatever is most comfortable to you! This is a casual service, and even our traditional Sunday morning services are “Come as you are.”

You have a question you’d like to ask first, just to be sure it’s the right fit for you. Message the Spruce St Playgroup Facebook page!

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